来源:深圳特区报 小编:朱岳 发布时间:2013年01月23日
内容导读: 1月16日,华夏银行深圳分行在华侨城洲际大酒店举行“2013年度最佳合作客户答谢会”。一百多家企事业单位三百多名代表与华夏银行员工欢聚一堂,共叙合作情谊,共谋未来发展。
Huaxia bank holding the best cooperation DaXieHui customers
On January 16,, huaxia bank shenzhen branch in oct intercontinental hotel hold "2013 best customers DaXieHui". Home to more than one hundred enterprises and institutions more than three hundred delegates and hua xia bank staff, together, to a total of cooperation, and seek common development of the future.
It is reported, this is the Chinese bank shenzhen branch festival held for ten years, the purpose is to thank customers for a long time friend of huaxia bank support. Attend DaXieHui customers are with the Chinese Banks have many years of cooperation, the establishment of a close strategic partnership, including the wider nuclear group, Fuji kang group, shenzhen metro group, shenzhen gas group, qiang group, maoye group, a number of other well-known enterprises at home and abroad and domestic large enterprises in shenzhen.
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